The Child Reflex step by step

The Kindreflex is a step-by-step plan that consists of 6 steps. 

Want to learn more about theory behind the Child Reflex? Use the button below. 

Want to learn more about the roadmap and the steps to take? Scroll down.  

3 steps as a standard procedure

Healthcare professionals take the first 3 steps as a standard procedure with every client. The next 3 steps depend on the situation. They are not always necessary. 

1.Have a conversation about the children and parenting

  • Communicate that the topic of children and parenthood is a standard part of your organisation’s way of working. 
  • During the conversation, ask if the client has minor children at home or expects a child (pregnancy)
  • If the client is staying as a resident, remember to ask if any childcare has been arranged.  
  • Record any relevant information regarding their children in their file: the number of children, their date of birth, their names and whether they reside with the client permanently.  

2.Try to gauge the safety at home and the well-being of the children

  • Always consult with other colleagues or an expert to make an initial assessment of the children’s safety and well-being. Labelling a home situation as troubling is a subjective matter. Your own values and norms can colour your judgement.  
  • Write a note in the client file whenever you have feeling that something is not right about the home situation and why. 

3.Support the client in their role as a parent

  • Ask regularly about the children and parenting. 
  • Discuss the impact of the situation on the children. 
  • Help the client to support their children’s resilience  
  • Involve the children and support them where necessary. 
  • Involve people who are closely related (e.g. children, partner, grandparents, neighbour, friend) and support them where necessary. 
  • If necessary, involve another facility to support the client.  
  • Make a note in the file how you supported the client in their role as a parent. 


The three
next these

The three next steps depend on the situation and are not always necessary. 

4. Investigate further if there are any concerns and if parents are willing

  • Collect additional data to make an assessment of the situation. In doing so, look at both the risk factors and the protective factors.    
  • If necessary, use an assessment tool that identifies the blind spots. 
  • Listen to key people (partner, children, grandparents, …) If you involve children, you need their permission. After all, from the age of 12, children are already allowed to make a lot of decisions for themselves. 
  • Keep in mind that your own values, norms and experiences influence the way you interpret the situation. Therefore, always discuss the results with a fellow counsellor or expert before you talk to the client again.
  • State your concerns concretely in a conversation with the client and be open to alternative explanations. 
  • Put together all the collected information and decide as a team if the situation is troubling. 
  • If you decide that the situation is troubling, continue to assess whether the client is willing to change the situation. 



5. Restore safety

  • Create a safe situation for the children. Start working with the client yourself or involve an appropriate support facility.  
  • Get started with the client’s context and involve the whole family. 
  • If necessary, set up help for the children as well. 
  • Discuss parenting regularly with the client and stay alert for troubling signs. 
  • Record the progress in the client file. 

6.Involve a mandated facility

  • Contact a mandated facility
  • Inform the client of this and prepare them. 
  • Make a note of any follow-up actions in the client file. 
  • Together with the mandated facility, see what further actions you can take as a counsellor to help restore the safety. 
  • Stay in touch with the mandated facility to monitor the client’s progress. 

Child Reflex animated tutorial

The EU-project ‘Make a difference’ created an animated tutorial of the Child Reflex to guide interested professionals through the different steps.